Event Center for all four stages will be located in Czarna Góra Resort Ski Area in Sienna which will provide you with an extremely compact event formula. In the immediate vicinity of the Event Center you will find numerous accommodation facilities, ranging from modern apartments with access to swimming pools and SPA, to more affordable lodgings. At your fingertips you will have free car parking and many attractions for children and adults such as Czarna Żmija – the longest alpine coaster in Poland.
We provide convenient and free car parking located near the Event Center for all participants during the event. The maximum distance from the parking to the Event Center is 200 m.
When getting to the start of the 2nd and 3rd stage, you will ride the extra-fast Luxtorpeda chairlift to the very top of Czarna Góra, 1205 m above sea level. You will not only do more than 360 m of climb in three minutes thanks to this ride, but also you will observe amazing views of the Śnieżnik Massif and the surroundings of Stronie Śląskie.
There will be Kid’s zone with attractions for the youngest organized at each stage at the Event Center. Also, a special Miniknat course for children located next to the Event Center will be available. Both Kid’s zone and Miniknat will be free of charge and available to all willing children without prior registration.